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     • Test management

Consultancy work

ITsoft offers customers IT-consultancy, education, quality assurance, project management, test management, design, architecture and development.

During experience it’s documented that structure and organising together with users in the initiating phases make establishments for successful project development


IT-strategy, contract terms, requirements etc
It may be referred to long national and international experience where challenges are solved in active co-operation with the customers from the first idea to operations of the solutions. A lot of varied recommendations are given to the users during the processes to reduce costs and improve the customer’s business possibilities.


Comprehensive educational material and set of exercises within project management, project work, testing and integration may be adjusted your company’s need. A 9 days course split into 4 sections is existing.

Accomplishments of varied commissions may be documented with very good customer references and results.

Quality Assurance (QA)

Quality assurance is essential in all phases and on all levels in a project. This QA identifies irregularity in an earlier stage before moving into increasing problems for the total project and the costs.

ITsoft therefor offers experienced project management that quickly may enter an ongoing project and give consultancy and recommendation to the steering comity and key personnel related to test and quality assurance.

ITsoft hjelps your organisation with the following:
                 • Quality Assurance related to contracts to secure customers and suppliers
                 • Establish routines for structure and logistic
                 • Establish routines for measuring progress
                 • Establish routines for reducing deviations
                 • Strategic test consultancy

Feasibility study

Related to a possible establishment of a project a lot of considerations must be taken into consideration before the task may be carried through and give a desired result. This has to be determined in a feasibility study. Feasibility study ought to be carried through by an unbiased project manager.

Correct fulfilled feasibility study may give large cost reductions concerning the developing project and maintenance work

Project management

ITsoft takes care of the management of all steps in the project work, from idea development, through feasibility study and main project until full realisation. The methods are cost reducing and also focused upon quality and delivery. The methods are related to the project’s size and risk. It may be referred to very good results.

More and more we go through changes related to scope and conditions. This requires higher experience of professional project managers and their ability to take care of complex situations.

Higher standard of methods, tight follow-ups and quality assurance of the projects are therefore essential for å successful result where a lot of involved actors may be involved. Cost control is managed in parallel.

The project management of ITsoft includes:
      • Planning of:
                 • Activities
                 • Milestones
                 • Processes
                 • Dependencies
                 • Resources
                 • Costs
                 • Elapse time

      • Organising of projects:
                 • Resources
                 • Sub-projects
                 • Subcontractors

      • Follow ups:
                 • Management of above-mentioned
                 • Management of risks
                 • Management of communication and information
                 • Management of tracking between results and contract specifications
                 • Management of project integration
                 • Management of change control
                 • Management of deliveries and production
                 • Strategic test management on superior level
                 • Control with purchasing

Test management

The objective with test is to reduce risks and total costs related to development and implementation of a system. Costs related to correction of errors may be extremely high. Therefore it’s important to have test routines to quickly discover the errors. Considering test planning thoroughly followed up with professional testing and test management therefore give feeling of security for obtaining results as required.

Test management and control with the test, completion and turning into production
The test methodology must verify that the implemented system satisfies the requirements for the company and live up to requirements related to performance and capacities. ITsoft plans and manages test activities through the whole processes. With different integration involving many actors/suppliers it’s extremely important to have sufficient test routines. Before starting the test, dependencies in the application must be outlined as part of the test planning. The work is also focused on identifying logical errors and failing false premises as early as possible in the cycle. The work is focused on correct results and efficient methods.

The experience of ITsoft also contributes to consultancy related to operations and alternatives when putting sub-deliveries into production. Risks, requirements and prioritising are discussed with the employer and users.

Profits for the project and the employer’s organisation
ITsoft puts forward improvements continuously by measuring the test process and the test results, evaluating and documenting the tests. By this, the learning curve within the employer’s organisation is also meet. This gives profits for the customer for future project challenges. Test management is a very important profession in the project elapse. ITsoft offer experience and methodology from the first test planning until the last test activities are fulfilled in a satisfactory way. Preparation to integration, sub-integration and full production starts early. Correct procedures will also reduce risk and total costs.

Test management
ITsoft helps your organisation with the following:
                 • Work out test plans
                 • Develop test strategies
                 • Work out guidelines for putting parts into production
                 • Define, establish, qualify, revise and improve test processes.
                 • Establish methodology for documentation
                 • Qualify contracts for secure the customer or the supplier
                 • Establish routines for measuring progress
                 • Establish routines for managing differences


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